Homeleigh Care-Admission

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Under Government regulations, potential service users need to have their needs thoroughly assessed before entering a home, This is intended to provide each service user with the best possible information on which to make an informed choice about their future.For potential service users who are already in touch with a social work department, the initial assessment will be undertaken as part of the care management process, but we also need to assure ourselves and the service user that Homeleigh is suitable for them.

For potential Service Users who approach the home direct, an appropriately qualified Manger will make a fullassessment of the potential residents needs and with the residents permission may call upon specialist advice and reports if they deem that it is necessary.

The assessment will cover the range of Health and social needs set out in Department of Health guidance. All information will be treated confidentially. The assessment process helps Homeleigh’s staff to be sure that we can meet the potential residents requirements and to make an initial plan of said residents care.

We will provide prospective residents with as much information as possible about the home to help them make a decision about where or not they want to live here. We offer the opportunity for a prospective resident to visit the home, join current service users for a meal and move in on a trial basis.
We are happy for a prospective service users to
involve their friends, family or other representatives’ in seeing the home and the care and facilities we can provide before making a final decision about admission.

If we feel the home is not suitable for a particular person we will try to give advice on how to look for help elsewhere.
Once assessment had been completed the Service User visits the home for half a day to familiarize themselves with the staff, other service users and the surroundings. Admission is then arranged on a temporary contract for four weeks after which time the service user has a review with the social worker before making the final decision to stay at Homeleigh. Each service Users receives a copy of The Service Users Guide Upon admission to Homeleigh.